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Start Today | Making the Most of 2019

Can you believe it’s March already?

Show of hands, how many people think they’ve maximized their time in 2019?

Do you find yourself blaming the weather on your motivation to get things done and make things happen? Or have you been diligent planning out your week, keeping track of your To Do list, and focusing on specific areas of your life to grow each week. I suspect based on how you approach your time, you’ll have a very different summary of how the last nine weeks have gone.

But, there’s good news. You can be that person that chooses to approach their lives differently. Today! You can decide that today will be the day you start leading a High Impact LIFE. One of those ways to bolster your decision to change is through Pete Ochs book, A High Impact LIFE: Love your Purpose, Live with Passion, Leverage your Platform.

LIFE in the book title is an acrostic. The letters stand for: L – your Labor, I – your Influence, F – your Financial capital, and E – your Expertise. We believe these are the four assets God is calling you to steward. A LIFE that has these four areas in-check is doing something the rest of us are not. Pursuing clarity in these areas is transformational.

How is it transformational?

Stewarding your LIFE transforms your purpose from living for self to living for something greater. It transforms your passion from seeking pride, pleasure, and possessions for yourself, to a passion for serving others, pursuing excellence, and stewarding capital. And it transforms your platform from a mundane job into an exciting, vision-driven, high-impact LIFE.

All of this doesn't happen over night - but choosing to make the most of the time you have, right now, is a first step.

Here’s the bottom line: living a high-impact LIFE is the natural result of a LIFE of stewardship.

Stewarding your time, your talent, and your treasure.

Start your High Impact Journey today. For more information about the book, visit Now available on

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