Honor God is the first and most important principle because it defines our ultimate purpose both in the enterprise and as stewards. The three virtues that allow one to Honor God are Truth, Faith, and Character. Character driven Christ followers bring Truth, Faith, and Character to a team effort.
Truth is the first of three virtues that help us Honor God. Everything starts with Truth. Truth is the foundation on which all other virtues are built. The Truth will set us free. If we don’t get Truth right, then nothing else will be right. Living by Truth will guide us and protect us.
Faith is the second virtue to Honor God. Faith enables you to stop living for yourself and live for something greater than yourself. Faith is the fuel that turns knowing (Truth) into doing. (Character). And without Faith, it is impossible to please God.
Talent is a gift, character is a choice. Character is a result of having a full head (knowing the Truth) and a full heart (believing the Truth). Character is forged in the fires of life as our faith is tested. Without living lives of Character we cannot honor God. It is a result of pursuing the truth and then living with a deep faith, all resulting in a person with true, authentic character. The character trait that results from living out the principle to Honor God is Character.